Lauren Hahn

Ph.D. Student, Anthropology

Lauren Hahn is a fourth-year graduate student in the Department of Anthropology, working under the supervision of Prof. Geoff Braswell in the Mesoamerican Archaeology Lab. Her specialization is in Mesoamerican Archaeology, and she has worked previously in Mexico, Belize, and Jordan. Her research focuses on economic interaction in state and pre-state-level societies, especially with regard to stone tools; her association with the IGERT-TEECH project is focused on developing microarchaeological methods for the chemical characterization of lithic materials, with the goal of being able to track the movement of lithic resources across the landscape. Lauren earned her B.A. degree from Texas State University-San Marcos in 2006, and conducted her M.A. research at the Maya site of Chichén Itzá in Yucatán, Mexico, in 2009. Lauren enjoys running, traveling, international cooking, and reading.


laurendhahn [at]