Ashley M. Richter

M.S., Archaeology, 2014

From her second grade pattern block construction of a model of Stonehenge and Avebury to her sixth grade cake replica of the Great Ziggurat of Ur onwards: it was clear from an early age that Richter would inevitably pursue a career in archaeology. Before beginning her PhD in Anthropological Archaeology with Professor Tom Levy, Richter studied at University College, Durham University in the United Kingdom; receiving a BA Joint Honours in Archaeology and Ancient History. She also studied with the University of Leicester in the UK, from whom she earned a Masters degree in Archaeology and Heritage. An internship as a content creator with the digital heritage foundation CyArk piqued her interest in the cultural heritage applications and field and post-processing methodologies of laser scanning (LiDAR).
Her research investigates the use of terrestrial laser scanning for field archaeology and the possibilities of establishing methodologies of digital documentation via LiDAR for rescue archaeology (rescue LiDAR) and for documenting the archaeological process at on-going excavations (temporal scanning). She is also pursuing lines of research into layered archaeological visualization of point clouds and other data for diagnostic and dissemination purposes, as well as into the means by which archaeological visualization and LiDAR capabilities might be enhanced courtesy of additional technologies. As part of CISA3, Miss Richter has participated in field work in Cyprus and Jordan, and spearheads Sediment Intervals and Site De-Formation Processes: Exploring Time Lapse Laser Scanning Capabilities & Methodologies for Archaeology, which is known more informally as Sandcastles for Science-a series of beach experiments to test laser scanning methodologies and create outreach education opportunities. Miss Richter is also the coordinator for the newly formed CISA3 Undergraduate Research Intern program.




Mar 1, 2013 - "The 2012 Petra Cyber-Archaeology Cultural Conservation Expedition: Temple of the Winged Lions and environs, Jordan," T. Levy, C. Tuttle, M. Vincent, M. Howland, A. Richter, V. Petrovic, D. Vanoni, Antiquity

Feb 12, 2013 - "The 2012 Petra Cyber-Archaeology Cultural Conservation Expedition: Temple of the Winged Lions and Environs, Jordan,"Thomas E. Levy, Christopher A. Tuttle, Matthew L. Vincent, Matthew Howland, Ashley M. Richter, Vid Petrovic and David Vanoni, Antiquity, Volume 087, Issue 335

Dec 11, 2012 - "Terrestrial laser scanning (LiDAR) as a means of digital documentation in rescue archaeology: Two examples from the Faynan of Jordan,"Ashley Richter, Falko Kuester, Thomas E. Levy and Mohammad Najjar, 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia